Result Tuesday
Its Result  Thursday Tuesday.... lol I know I'm late....

I haven’t made an entry in a minute. School and new p/t job have been keeping me busy. I know I’ve been slacking…NO EXCUSES.  Nothing new to report.  I’ve been exercising…..just not as much as I planned to. I’ve been eating well….just more than I planned to LOLOL
Now to results…  :drum roll please:  4 lbs… oh boy I’m killin them out here (sarcasm) again…lack luster. But I’m going to keep with it….I’m not gonna give up…

Current Stats:
Height: 5’8
Weight: 246lbs
BMI: 37.4
Dress Size: 20
Chest: 39"
Waist: 38 3/4"
Hips: 52 7/8 "
Arms:  15 "
Thighs: 33 2/8"

Look at what I bought to measure my self

Its called MyoTape and it was only $5 from Amazon….. its cool because the hole allows you to secure the tape and you can retract it with the button..which makes for  a more accurate reading.

Goals for Next Results Tuesday
I will be fasting for Lent…..No chicken.. only Fish on Fridays……Although the reason for it isn’t to definitely should help me along. So I will see you guys much sooner than later..


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