What am I Really Eating?

So this initial plan...it’s not going so well. I’ve decided to add a few more restrictions. I will now cut rice and bread from my diet. For some reason I’ve been eating so much rice and guess what..I don’t even really like it that much. From now on I will eat only whole grain pasta and sweet potatoes. I hope this will kick this weight loss into high gear.

And to make sure I am eating what I have restricted myself to…I downloaded a Food Diary app to my Blackberry.  LIVE STRONG allows me to track everything I ate for the day. It has a large library of foods with the calorie count in each meal and also has a breakdown of the carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc. in each.

Not only that, it takes your height, weight, weight loss/gain goals and will measure how many calories you should have for the day. My daily intake has been calculated to by 2,000 calories per day. As you make entries, a bar will demonstrates the percentage of calories you have had for the day and how many more you are allowed. This will definitely make you re-think that extra snack. .

LIVE STRONG also allows you to track any exercise activities and gives an estimate of the calories that activity burned. The app will then reconcile that with what you have already eaten and give you a new value of how many more calories you are allowed for the day. I’ve chosen not to use this feature because I need to get in the habit of consuming 2,000 calories no matter how much I exercise or do not for the day.

I believe there are many apps for the Blackberry or iPhone out there that do the same thing….and it is EXTREMELY Convenient. I encourage all of you to try.

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